

Mightia Consulting brings a mighty experience within sales management, bid management and project management within the energy industry. We have been in the same position as our customers and have felt firsthand the pressure and the challenges they face. We have also been forced to make decisions on a flawed basis and under time pressure and have had to live with and defend the consequences of the decisions made.

Our project experience ranges widely and includes simple service tasks for a mere 10,000 EUR and up to tender project management of construction projects with a value of 130 million EUR. We have +10 years of experience in developing, bidding and selling turnkey power plant projects, where knowledge of interdisciplinary project management and coordination with experts within legal, insurance, process design, mechanics, electrical installations, layout, project planning, procurement and logistics, assembly, site management and commissioning is essential.

The EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction)

project reference list includes approx. 100+ budget and fixed price tender projects in markets as diverse as Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean with won and profitable orders of approx. 500 million EUR.

In addition, we have worked with contracting tasks of varying sizes, service tasks and agreements, as well as framework agreements for both public and private customers in Scandinavia, Europe and the rest of the world with a financial range up to 20 million EUR

Our overall mantra is balance. There must always be a balance between one’s investment and expected return. It does not matter whether it is funds invested in shares or properties or whether it is time and money invested in projects or service sales. Balanced risks versus profits is essential.

Read more about our services here

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