It is often a difficult, stressful and time-consuming process for companies to have to quote for a large specification. Typically, there are extensive requirements for description of the company, its references and documentation that must be attached and there may even be requirements of answering specific case studies from the customer that are designed to display the company’s insight and competences within the field.
It is particularly beneficial to have an external person read through your offers and answers with a critical eye in such cases. It is, for example, easy for someone with special insight into a given field or industry to fall into the trap of being too biased about the recipient’s knowledge of the subjects and thus have an answer prepared that is too understood and unfortunately scores low in the customer’s evaluation.
External critical eyes can be a good way to raise the bar for the quality of the tender that is submitted, as well as an overview of where risks may be hiding, once the contract is secured.
Mightia Consulting is a consulting company specializing in tender preparation and project management within production, energy and construction works
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